Some types of food for beauty and health skin

Did you know that taking care of beauty and skin health can be done by eating a healthy food,
do not just use a variety of cosmetics and skin care containing chemicals because it is also less so good especially for people who have sensitive facial skin.And this time I will discuss about some good foods to care for the skin,so hope you guys enjoy and like to read this article.

1.Green and red vegetables
 Of the most green and red vegetables are very good for the health of the body and so with the beauty,This is because in the vegetables contained beta carotene which serves as an antioxidant for the skin and produces bright and younger skin. Surely you don't just want to have bright skin, but some of you must also want to have an ideal body weight and have a lean body, especially women,so eating lots of vegetables is also effective at losing weight because of the large amount of fiber in vegetables.

2.Green beans
Eating green beans is also good for healthy hair and nails, what I am experiencing right now the good impact of consuming green beans every day is nails and hair stronger and healthier, weight also fell significantly because in addition to the amount of fiber in it, eating green beans can delaying hunger with a fairly long time so as to reduce excessive eating.

In the wheat there is a useful biotin to make cells in the body while processing fat and your results will be protected from dry and dull skin.Just as before, the amount of fiber in wheat is also quite a lot of which is certainly very functional to maintain or lose weight. One of the mill foods made from wheat is oatmeal, some people in indonesa besides using wheat for food while dieting also use it as a facial scrub , and I have also tried it, but it doesn't look like anything even though it has been used for a week as a scrub.


Yogurt is well known for health, it turns out yogurt is also very good for the skin that can prevent acne, I suggest if you eat yogurt consume low fat youghurt.   

      I remind friends, try to maintain health and beauty in a healthy and natural way because although it takes more time to get the results but the result is very satisfactory, do not accustomed to too often use cosmetic products for skin care because although the product is described contain vitamins and other but it's still much better to eat a healthy diet like fresh fruit because I think the vitamins are also fresh, not like cosmetic ingredients that have been mixed with chemicals and preservatives that could harm our skin. Remember healthy friends are expensive, therefore I always remind that health is the most expensive treasure.
Some types of food for beauty and health skin Some types of food for beauty and health skin Reviewed by Unknown on July 24, 2018 Rating: 5

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