7 Day diet plan

Everybody especially women want to have ideal weight and lean body. Many people who are willing to go on a diet to have a lean body and ideal weight in extreme ways even in the wrong way, many have managed to lose weight drastically in the near future but gain more weight even fatter than before, so do you think the diet is hard and torturous??? Of course not if done in a good, correct and consistent way, in my opinion the diet will not be effective and good if it is done without exercise, so in essence if you want to have an ideal body weight and a slim stomach, do it in a healthy way like ruti exercise, maintain diet, avoid foods that contain lots of fat and oil, in this article I will discuss some foods that are good for diet, so hope you guys enjoy to read this article and let's get started.

Maintaining an ideal body weight is very important in addition to appearance is also very important for health because many I find people who are obese or have excess body weight attacked by various dangerous diseases such as one that was experienced by my father who was exposed to high cholesterol levels even almost experienced a stroke light and below are some healthy food menus for the diet from the first day to the seventh day:

1.Menu on the first day
On the first day try to eat fruit that contains lots of water because the fruit contains many vitamins, sugars to increase your energy, and fiber is good for digestion and is able to make sense of feeling longer.

2.Menu on the second day
Eat a variety of vegetables because in the vegetables are also contained lots of fiber than fruit, as many people know vegetables that contain lots of fiber such as spinach and kale can digestion so that it can reduce the excess fat in the body.On the second day I only cooked vegetables by boiling and really reduced oily food.

3.Menu on the third day
 On this third day you can consume fruits and vegetables, usually at breakfast I only eat one bowl of boiled vegetables with chilli sauce or sauce so that the taste is not bland, and during the day I only eat 2 apples and drink lots of mineral water.

4.Menu on the fourth day
On the fourth day it is recommended to consume only 1-2 bananas and one glass of low-fat milk, but if you are not strong you can eat one vegetable bowl for lunch except cabbage because to my knowledge there is one substance in the banana and cabbage vegetables. , so if consumed simultaneously cause excessive substance and less good for body.

5.Menu on the fifth day
On the fifth day you can only consume rice but with small portions of only 3-5 tablespoons and I recommend eating brown rice only because the amount of fiber is more than white rice and rice has lower calories but still just add a healthy side dish with a little oil, also add boiled vegetables.

6.Menu on the sixth day
On the sixth day you should eat foods that contain protein such as boiled eggs, which we definitely still need, whose names are vegetables to meet the body's fiber needs, so on the sixth day you can only eat boiled vegetables and boiled eggs only.

7.Menu on the seventh day
On this seventh day you can eat rice, vegetables, eggs and fruit at once but still only be allowed to eat 3-5 tablespoons of rice and without oily food, after seven days my diet will give my own body a gift for three days. eat anything but with a number of calories that do not exceed 1000 calories per day, then after three days you just go back to dieting again if you still feel the weight is still above normal and the second week I do is start with the menu on the seventh day eating rice, fruit and vegetables, then on the second day I ate a menu like the one on the sixth day menu, namely vegetables and eggs and so on, this I did so that I would not get bored and remain consistent in doing this diet. 

That is the diet menu from the first day to the seventh day, which I certainly balanced by drinking lots of water so that the body remains hydrated and deceives the brain, so if we drink 2 glasses of mineral water before eating it will make you feel full longer. Don't forget sports too.because exercise can help burn calories so it can reduce excess fat accumulation. no need every day if you are busy being able to exercise 3 times a week, believe in this way I can lose my weight as much as 5 pounds in 7 days.

Remimber guys health is the most expensive of treasur.


7 Day diet plan 7 Day diet plan Reviewed by Unknown on July 25, 2018 Rating: 5

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