Lose body weight 3.5 KG in one week | BAHASA INDONESIA-english

July 30, 2018

Sudah melakukan diet tapi tidak berhasil?? Diet ekstrim masih gagal?? atau sudah berhasil melakukan diet ketat tapi ujung ujungnya balik ke bentuk tubuh semula?? Kenapa?
   Yaaaaahhh dari 3 pertanyaan di atas jawabanya hanya satu yaitu kurang konsisten,mengenai kenapa kita harus konsisten dalam melakukan diet sudah pernah saya bahas pada artikel sebelumnya "7 DIET PLAN" jadi saya tidak akan membahasnya kembali di artikel kali ini. Yang akan saya bahas mengenai diet kali ini adalah tentang bagaimana diet tanpa menyiksa karena lapar.

Sebelumnya saya mengingatkan kepada kalian bahwa yang saya bahas pada artikel ini berdasarkan pengalaman saya saja. so hope you enjoy to read this article and let's get started.

1.Sarapan dengan ubi

 Yaa seperti yang dijelaskan pada banyak artikel mengenai diet bahwa jangan pernah skip sarapan karena makanan yang kita konsumsi akan memberi kita sebuah energi untuk melakukan aktifitas hingga siang hari, tapi sebaiknya konsumsi makanan rendah kalori seperti ubi bersama dengan segelas susu yang mengandung tinggi protein.

2.Makan siang seperti biasa

Untuk makan siang makanlah makanan seperti biasanya dengan porsi yang normal, saat makan siang ini kalian bisa makan apa saja asalkan jangan berlebihan, kenapa harus siang hari baru boleh makan sesukanya?? jawabanya ada pada nomor 3 jadi tetap baca hingga selesai guys.

3.Makan malam dengan ubi
Untuk makan malam sebaiknya mengkonsumsi umbi lagi dengan 1 atau 2 buah apa saja kecuali pisang, biasanya saya pada malam hari saya konsumsi ubi dan 1 buah apel ukuran medium dan 1 buah pear dan juga 1 liter air putih.Nah biasanya dari kebanyakan orang setelah makan malam langsung tidur atau tidak melakukan banyak aktifitas yang akibatnya lemak dan kalori dalam makanan yang kita konsumsi saat makan malam tidak banyak terbakar, jadi manfaat dari sarapan dengan mengkonsumsi makanan rendah kalori supaya kalori yang tertimbun di dalam tubuh setelah makan malam terbakar pada saat kita melakukan aktifitas setelah bangun tidur di pagi hari, hal ini juga berhubungan dengan pertanyaan pada nomor 2. jika kita makan dengan jumlah kalori yang tinggi pada saat sarapan maka yang terjadi adalah tubuh hanya membakar kalori pada makanan yang kita makan saat sarapan saja dan hasilnya kalori yang tidak terbakar pada saat setelah makan malam akan tetap tidak terbakar dalam tubuh yang akhirnya menjadi lemak.

Sebenarnya boleh mengkonsumsi makanan rendah kalori lainya, tidak harus ubi. Alasan saya lebih suka ubi karena rasa kenyang setelah makan umbi bisa lebih bertahan lama bahkan hingga siang hari, kadang saya juga menggantinya dengan sayur rebus dan air putih saja. Ingat guys cara masak ubi di sini hanya boleh direbus atau dibakar saja. Saya pikir cara ini tidak terlalu ekstrim karena di siang hari kita masih merdeka karena masih bisa makan apa saja, berbeda dengan diet yang hanya makan 1 kali sehari yang menimbulkan rasa lapar berlebih dan hasilnya ketika kita makan akan sangat kalap dan tidak wajar. Percaya atau tidak itu terserah kalian guys tapi diet seminggu dengan cara ini berat badan saya turun sebanyak 3,5 KG.


Have you been on a diet but not succeeding ?? Extreme diet still fail ?? or have successfully done a strict diet but the tip back to the original body shape ?? Why?
        Yaaaaahhh from the 3 questions above the answer is only one that is less consistent, about why we should be consistent in the diet I have ever discussed in the previous article "7 DIET PLAN" so I will not discuss it again in this article. What I will discuss about diet this time is about how to diet without torturing because of hunger.

         Previously I remind you that I discussed in this article based on my experience alone. so hope you enjoy to read this article and let's get started.

1.Breakfast with yam 
Yes, as described in many articles on diet that never skip breakfast because the food we consume will give us an energy to perform activities until noon, but we recommend the consumption of low-calorie foods such as sweet potatoes with a glass of high-protein milk.  

2. Lunch as usual
 For lunch eat food as usual with a normal portion, at this lunch you can eat anything as long as not excessive, why should not daylight can eat at will? the answer is on number 3 so keep reading until finished guys. 

3. Eat with yams 
 For dinner should consume more tubers with 1 or 2 fruit anything except bananas, I usually at night I consumption of sweet potatoes and 1 apple medium size and 1 pear and 1 liter of water putih.Nah usually from most people after dinner go straight to sleep or do not do a lot of activities that result in fat and calories in the food we consume at dinner is not much burned, so the benefits of breakfast by consuming low-calorie foods so that calories buried in the body after dinner burned when we do activities after wake up in the morning, this is also related to the question on the number 2. if we eat with high calories at breakfast then what happens is the body only burns calories in the food we eat at breakfast alone and the result of calories that are not burned on the time after dinner will remain unburned in the body which eventually to be fat . 

Actually may consume other low-calorie foods, not necessarily yam. The reason I prefer sweet potatoes because the satiety after eating tubers can last longer even until noon, sometimes I also replace it with boiled vegetables and water alone. Remember guys how to cook sweet potatoes here should only be boiled or burned only. I think this way is not too extreme because in the day we are still free because it can still eat anything, in contrast to a diet that only eat 1 times a day that cause excessive hunger and the results when we eat will be very crazy and unnatural. Believe it or not it's up to you guys but diet a week this way my weight drops by as much as 3.5 KG.
Lose body weight 3.5 KG in one week | BAHASA INDONESIA-english Lose body weight 3.5 KG in one week | BAHASA INDONESIA-english Reviewed by Unknown on July 30, 2018 Rating: 5

Winter style

July 30, 2018

      Hi everyone welcome back to my blog. Have you read the previous article that about mix and match clothes for visit to beach? yaa if the previous we discuss about clothes that suitable with beach which is dominant with summer, but now we will discuss about how to wear clothes for winter.
  Okay i tell you guys i live in indonesia so winter in indonesia is not cold as in your country,anyway we have to look fashionable in various weather.

Winter is closely related with jacket and thick clothes, that right that is useful for warm our body but you have to attention about color of your clothes, about color still same with beach theme i think will really good if you wear bright clothes with soft color because usually winter is the weather is less bright so when you wear clothes with bright and soft color,than the main view is toward you, you will look like diamond in the darkness wkwkwkwkwwk...
Sorry this is my old picture before i makes blogs, maybe you can wear clothes like this but don't combine jacket like that with V-neck t-shirt like this picture because it's will reduce the winter impression, you should wear white or bright color others. With the top like this you can mix with bright color of jeans pant but just wear pant with size which suitable with your size, don't too small or too big.
If you want to wear dark pant just wear pants with color like dark blue and bit a character like gradation color black and blue.

Okay guys enough until here this article please like if you like and comment there is something that needs to fix and i'll update my blog and share if you feel this article is useful because i'll update and share new article almost every day, not just about style, i post too article like skin care and about healthy and read too the previous article if you have not read.
Winter style Winter style Reviewed by Unknown on July 30, 2018 Rating: 5

Wear match clothes even going to beach

July 28, 2018
The beach is indeed one favorite places to visit on the weekends, many people which capture when on beautiful beach by way of taking pictures, but did you know take picture with less precise clothes will look less good, would be very funny if someone visit beach use formal shirt. So how to dressed right when you visit to beach?? whether should be wear sexy clothes?? so what about shy person wearing sexy clothes?? it's okay not forever to the beach should be wear sexy clothes and don't worry about it because in this article will discuss about how to wear not too sexy clothes for going to the beach but good looking.
    So hope you enjoy to read this article and share if you feel this article be useful.

1.White Vneck T-shirt
Wear Vneck T-shirt when you to the beach because this clothes look like relax and suitable for wear on the beach, i suggest you to wear this clothes colored white plain and black harem pant.
I suggest when you on the beach don't to wear clothes with dark color because dark color will absorb heat and not comfortable to wear.

And then you can wering dress, but i suggest you to wear loose dress with character flower and bright color because that will make you looking like relax and it's suitable for theme beach. Will be really good if you mix it with black eyeglasses and beach hat.
For who used veil maybe did not like to wear sexy clothes but i think you still can wear your veil as long as it match with theme and your clothes like pucture above.

4.Plain t-shirt
For men you can wear plain t-shirt that bright color, i think will be good if we mix it with plain short pant but don't wear jeans pant because it's not good look. Then use black eyeglasses with round shape and use flip-flops.
For men will be really good look if wear casual clothes and don't wear clothes with too much character, white plain t-shirt is good looking and it's commod in wear.

Wear match clothes even going to beach Wear match clothes even going to beach Reviewed by Unknown on July 28, 2018 Rating: 5

Type of clothes style

July 27, 2018

          Now fashion has been very develoved,even just to go to the airport just a lot of people who seemed to race to use their best fashion.Good style does not have to cost,just requires to blend matching clothes accordance with event is going on, so than you buy expensive clothes better you buy clothes that match with your body.

In this article will disscus about type of your style, hope you enjoy to read this article.

All clothes will be good if you use that with the right event.You can use formal clothes at weddings,work or other formal events. You can use long fabric pants,than mix with black loafers boots and dark socks, and for top clothes use basic colored shirt and subtle color may be you can use shirt with white color and use a black suit,it's really good look,if you want to use accessories you can use dark colored watches maybe black or dark brown.

Maybe this is my favourite style because i can use this style for relax at home or going to cafe with friend, usally i just use white t-shirt with black long pant or short pant, if you don't have black pant you can use orange or gray pants. When i want to going to cafe or other i just need to add casual jacket to use like jeans jacket and nike shoes or canvas shoes like picture above.
Not necessarily combination of black or white, if you like bright colors you can mix other color but must be approriate. If you think casual clothes are too plain, you can use pant that have bit torn.

3.Formal wear with slightly casual
Many people who not confident when use formal clothes like me, i feel older when i use formal clothes and if you typical person like me you can mix formal clothes and casual clothes.
You can use chinos pant,loafoer shoes and striped t-shirt with casual suit maybe with dark blue color than use casual watches, don't forget to use belt maybe will be good use dark brown or black belt.

Why i always suggest you to use black or white, because thats are basic color that will matches if we mix with others color, this has already been in the previous article

Type of clothes style Type of clothes style Reviewed by Unknown on July 27, 2018 Rating: 5

2 Step to make you looking fashionable

July 25, 2018

Hi everyone many people that ignore about their appearance but did you know if appearance is really important for us because many people assessing ourselves from our appearance especially on clothes. But don't be worried about it because in this article we will discuss about how to mix and match male shirt.Before the core point of this article i hope you enjoy to read this article, like and follow if you interested and please comment if something is wrong. Ok lets we started now

   A. Pants
First you must have a pant with basic color like black because i think it's really suitable with almost for all shirt color, and this color is good for formal event.

  B. T-shirt
For T-shirt i recommended for have a white plain T-shirt because i feel this is basic color for T-shirt, white plain T-shirt is multi function because really suitable with any color of pants,if the color is too plain you can mix it with black pant and black jacket with some accessories like wristwatch with basic color and i think will be good if the color is dark

C. Jacket
You must have jacket with black color because  this color will be match if you mix with all collor of T-shirt or pants with dark color,well choose clothes with basic color and without any shades before you buy clothes with shades because if you have that, it will be easier for mix and match with any accesories.

D. Accesories
Before you buy many accesories for mix with your clothes well you choose accesories with basic and calm color.

2.Mix type of your shirt and pant
Not only color that matters but mix and match type of shirt with your pants too not easy because others type of shirt you have to matching your clothes with event is going on, example, short pants like canvas fabric,jeans that basic color like black or smooth orange will be good if us mix it with white t-shirt and i think it's good if you use it event you relaxing at home, also good if use it when you are on the beach, it's will looking good with the state of the beach that is wide and tend to hot.

2 Step to make you looking fashionable 2 Step to make you looking fashionable Reviewed by Unknown on July 25, 2018 Rating: 5

Exercise for diet

July 25, 2018

As people know that exercise is good for fitness but good for people on a diet.And this time I will discuss about good exercise while dieting,In doing your diet is not only recommended for exercise but also balanced with a healthy diet.

Before reading this article ,hope you guys enjoy to read this article and let's get started.

Running is a fairly effective exercise to help burn calories by a considerable amount so this sport is often done a lot of people to help lose weight,and it proved to lose my weight as much as 2 pounds of gram in a week which I certainly balanced with eating healthy and low-calorie foods.Maybe for those of you who are unfamiliar with this sport can follow my way that is by way of starting within 15 minutes only then increased to 30 minutes every day and like that so on until now I was able to run for 45 minutes every day.

Do not underestimate this one sport, even though it looks like dancing but this exercise can drain energy and burn calories in large numbers, before I worked I also often 30 minutes per day and my weight dropped by 5 kilograms in 16 days.

This one sport is a combination of calm, meditation and calorie burning, but I have not felt the result even though it's been 2 weeks so I decided to move to the sport, But do not worry because I did not succeed because I did it wrong because I just did it by copying the video from youtube and without a coach, but some of my friends can lose weight as much as 2-5 kilos grams in a month.


I've done this jump for a few months, so I did it when I was lazy to run and this effectively lowered and maintained my weight, before losing my weight by 3.5 kilograms in 12 days.In my experience when I first did this exercise I felt pain in the thighs and legs, so I did the same as running earlier that is doing it with a short time and then increase the duration until now I only able to do it for 30 minutes every day because believe me friends my friends think skipping is much more tiring than running but according to some articles I read calories burned also more.

      The most important part when dieting is to maintain a healthy diet, so I remind you that health is the most expensive treasur, so take care of your health by regulating a healthy lifestyle like exercise and eating healthy foods and avoiding fast food.

Exercise for diet Exercise for diet Reviewed by Unknown on July 25, 2018 Rating: 5

7 Day diet plan

July 25, 2018

Everybody especially women want to have ideal weight and lean body. Many people who are willing to go on a diet to have a lean body and ideal weight in extreme ways even in the wrong way, many have managed to lose weight drastically in the near future but gain more weight even fatter than before, so do you think the diet is hard and torturous??? Of course not if done in a good, correct and consistent way, in my opinion the diet will not be effective and good if it is done without exercise, so in essence if you want to have an ideal body weight and a slim stomach, do it in a healthy way like ruti exercise, maintain diet, avoid foods that contain lots of fat and oil, in this article I will discuss some foods that are good for diet, so hope you guys enjoy to read this article and let's get started.

Maintaining an ideal body weight is very important in addition to appearance is also very important for health because many I find people who are obese or have excess body weight attacked by various dangerous diseases such as one that was experienced by my father who was exposed to high cholesterol levels even almost experienced a stroke light and below are some healthy food menus for the diet from the first day to the seventh day:

1.Menu on the first day
On the first day try to eat fruit that contains lots of water because the fruit contains many vitamins, sugars to increase your energy, and fiber is good for digestion and is able to make sense of feeling longer.

2.Menu on the second day
Eat a variety of vegetables because in the vegetables are also contained lots of fiber than fruit, as many people know vegetables that contain lots of fiber such as spinach and kale can digestion so that it can reduce the excess fat in the body.On the second day I only cooked vegetables by boiling and really reduced oily food.

3.Menu on the third day
 On this third day you can consume fruits and vegetables, usually at breakfast I only eat one bowl of boiled vegetables with chilli sauce or sauce so that the taste is not bland, and during the day I only eat 2 apples and drink lots of mineral water.

4.Menu on the fourth day
On the fourth day it is recommended to consume only 1-2 bananas and one glass of low-fat milk, but if you are not strong you can eat one vegetable bowl for lunch except cabbage because to my knowledge there is one substance in the banana and cabbage vegetables. , so if consumed simultaneously cause excessive substance and less good for body.

5.Menu on the fifth day
On the fifth day you can only consume rice but with small portions of only 3-5 tablespoons and I recommend eating brown rice only because the amount of fiber is more than white rice and rice has lower calories but still just add a healthy side dish with a little oil, also add boiled vegetables.

6.Menu on the sixth day
On the sixth day you should eat foods that contain protein such as boiled eggs, which we definitely still need, whose names are vegetables to meet the body's fiber needs, so on the sixth day you can only eat boiled vegetables and boiled eggs only.

7.Menu on the seventh day
On this seventh day you can eat rice, vegetables, eggs and fruit at once but still only be allowed to eat 3-5 tablespoons of rice and without oily food, after seven days my diet will give my own body a gift for three days. eat anything but with a number of calories that do not exceed 1000 calories per day, then after three days you just go back to dieting again if you still feel the weight is still above normal and the second week I do is start with the menu on the seventh day eating rice, fruit and vegetables, then on the second day I ate a menu like the one on the sixth day menu, namely vegetables and eggs and so on, this I did so that I would not get bored and remain consistent in doing this diet. 

That is the diet menu from the first day to the seventh day, which I certainly balanced by drinking lots of water so that the body remains hydrated and deceives the brain, so if we drink 2 glasses of mineral water before eating it will make you feel full longer. Don't forget sports too.because exercise can help burn calories so it can reduce excess fat accumulation. no need every day if you are busy being able to exercise 3 times a week, believe in this way I can lose my weight as much as 5 pounds in 7 days.

Remimber guys health is the most expensive of treasur.


7 Day diet plan 7 Day diet plan Reviewed by Unknown on July 25, 2018 Rating: 5

Benefits of sunblock

July 25, 2018

Hi everyone did you know that using sunblock is very important for our skin so that it can avoid excessive sunburn which is definitely bad for our skin, the number of people who don't understand about this makes me motivated to make an article about sunblock.

1.Keeps the skin away from solar radiation.
The first benefit of sunblock is to avoid exposure to direct sunlight radiation hazards, so the workings of this sunblock block excess UVA and UVB absorbed by our skin, as many people know about the adverse effects of excess UVA and UVB rays in the skin can cause skin color become dark and dry.

2.Avoid damage to skin tissue.
Skin exposed to direct sunlight with high intensity can damage the skin tissue, so obviously it is very important to use sunblock when outside or inside the room because even though we are in the room the radiation of sunlight can still go in, and to my knowledge the light of lamp also has UV light.

3.Prevent premature aging.
Human skin has a low level of protection, so it's not good if we leave the room without using a sunblock. Skin that is not protected from UV rays can cause premature aging.

4.Maintain skin elasticity and moisture.
As already explained above that UV rays can damage skin moisture and make it more dry and even burn.
In sunblock contained SPF (sun protection factor) which peranya as a determinant of high or low levels of protection in sunblock, So the conclusion do not hesitate to use sunblock during day and night to keep your skin healthy and well groomed
Benefits of sunblock Benefits of sunblock Reviewed by Unknown on July 25, 2018 Rating: 5

Some types of food for beauty and health skin

July 24, 2018

Did you know that taking care of beauty and skin health can be done by eating a healthy food,
do not just use a variety of cosmetics and skin care containing chemicals because it is also less so good especially for people who have sensitive facial skin.And this time I will discuss about some good foods to care for the skin,so hope you guys enjoy and like to read this article.

1.Green and red vegetables
 Of the most green and red vegetables are very good for the health of the body and so with the beauty,This is because in the vegetables contained beta carotene which serves as an antioxidant for the skin and produces bright and younger skin. Surely you don't just want to have bright skin, but some of you must also want to have an ideal body weight and have a lean body, especially women,so eating lots of vegetables is also effective at losing weight because of the large amount of fiber in vegetables.

2.Green beans
Eating green beans is also good for healthy hair and nails, what I am experiencing right now the good impact of consuming green beans every day is nails and hair stronger and healthier, weight also fell significantly because in addition to the amount of fiber in it, eating green beans can delaying hunger with a fairly long time so as to reduce excessive eating.

In the wheat there is a useful biotin to make cells in the body while processing fat and your results will be protected from dry and dull skin.Just as before, the amount of fiber in wheat is also quite a lot of which is certainly very functional to maintain or lose weight. One of the mill foods made from wheat is oatmeal, some people in indonesa besides using wheat for food while dieting also use it as a facial scrub , and I have also tried it, but it doesn't look like anything even though it has been used for a week as a scrub.


Yogurt is well known for health, it turns out yogurt is also very good for the skin that can prevent acne, I suggest if you eat yogurt consume low fat youghurt.   

      I remind friends, try to maintain health and beauty in a healthy and natural way because although it takes more time to get the results but the result is very satisfactory, do not accustomed to too often use cosmetic products for skin care because although the product is described contain vitamins and other but it's still much better to eat a healthy diet like fresh fruit because I think the vitamins are also fresh, not like cosmetic ingredients that have been mixed with chemicals and preservatives that could harm our skin. Remember healthy friends are expensive, therefore I always remind that health is the most expensive treasure.
Some types of food for beauty and health skin Some types of food for beauty and health skin Reviewed by Unknown on July 24, 2018 Rating: 5


July 22, 2018

        Many people are less concerned about appearance,but the appearance is very important especially on the face because when meeting friends or people they first see is the appearance especially the face,therefore it is very important to keep the beauty of our faces men and women.

In this article we will discuss about how to treat the face to look flawless, and hope you guys enjoy to read this blog.

1.Wash your face 
The most important thing to maintain the appearance is cleanliness, therefore I suggest for you to always clean the face with one way to wash my face after using a cleanser.Don't let the rest of the make up keep sticking to your face (for women) and don't let the rest of the dirt like dust and oil continue to stick to your face (for men) because it's all dirty besides can also cause your face look like dull and faster look old.

2.Use a moisturizer
Facial moisturizer is also very important to keep your face to look bright and nourishing, not just for women, men also need to use a moisturizer to keep your facial skin.and for men do not be embarrassed to use a moisturizer or care for yourself because later the results are also for you, even many korean men who came out using makeup just to keep up appearances.apply a moisturizer that suits your skin type, you can also use a sleeping mask that can be used to sleep.
3.Drink mineral water before bed

Mineral water is very important to nourish every part of the body,Drinking mineral water before bed can help the body in the process of metabolism,effects for the face while drinking mineral water can make the face look fresher.

4.Get used to eating foods that can nourish the skin 
Begin to reduce eating less healthy foods such as fast food, fried foods and foods that contain lots of flour because of less healthy foods, especially foods that contain lots of oil can trigger the appearance of acne, wrinkles and other skin problems.
   Do not forget to limit overeating to avoid fat pile.  


July 21, 2018

  There are still many who do not understand, if it turns out we already have some beauty care products are good and high quality. Not to mention almost all made of soft natural ingredients, safe to use for pregnant women and children though! Try yuk, if suitable, in addition to saving because the price is affordable, no longer need to buy products with a lot of carbon footprint because it must be flown from abroad, while supporting the small and medium industries in the country, we can also maintain the earth!
Sensatia Botanicals

From the packaging, we did not expect that this brand comes from rural Bali and is sold by the method of profit sharing. 
Votre Peau
Do not be fooled by the name, because this product is original Indonesia. Spoken by a skin specialist, Kevin Maharis, the famous product of this brand is Vitamin C Serum which can be used day and night. I myself have been using it for about a week, and it is fun to use because it makes skin feel more supple and moist.

Hair products made in Indonesia? Yes, please! Includes shampoo, conditioner, hair perfume, as well as some styling tools, the fragrance of this Cheveux product makes you want to try it all. Perfume is really useful to evict the smell of the sun, the smell of cigarettes, until as fragrances in the cold days that make us lazy to shampoo.

Bali Balance
If this one of the name alone is caught out of nowhere. With the basic ingredients most of its products virgin coconut oil, of course natural and good for the skin. Consists of various types of treatments, good for facial skin, body, and hair. From sunscreen, treatment after exposure to the sun, to mosquito repellent with natural ingredients.

Of all, this brand is probably the most familiar in the ear. Inspired by Indonesia's natural wealth, but starting in New York, the Champion is serious about working on his products and brands. Fragrances are used is very fun, reminiscent of the village in Ubud is full of natural scent of flowers and other plants.

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